PE 105 Step and Sculpt

Step and Sculpt is designed to increase muscular endurance and strength as well as enhance cardiovascular endurance. Participants learn and execute both step aerobics combinations and resistance exercises to experience the benefits of both approaches. Repeatable up to 12 credits.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Practice a safe and effective exercise regime
2. Maintain or increase one’s level of physical fitness
3. Identify benefits of aerobic exercise, resistance training, flexibility training, and core training
4. Learn and apply methods for effective goals setting
5. Develop a personalized exercise plan
6. Identify and apply basic fitness principles
7. Understand step terminology
8. Learn and execute step aerobics combinations
9. Learn names for major muscles and muscle groups
10. Identify target heart rate
11. Understand rate of perceived exertion and talk test