PE 103 Cardio Kickboxing

Inspired by various forms of martial arts, Cardio Kickboxing incorporates rhythmic combinations and drills to improve cardiorespiratory endurance. Students learn wellness-related concepts and apply exercise principles to enhance overall health. Repeatable up to 12 credits.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Practice a safe and effective exercise regime
2. Maintain or increase one’s fitness level
3. Identify benefits of aerobic exercise, resistance training and flexibility training
4. Discover and apply methods for effective goal setting
5. Develop a personalized exercise plan
6. Identify and apply basic fitness principles and recommendations
7. Develop greater body/mind awareness and appreciation, incorporate self-compassion techniques
8. Understand aerobic kickboxing terminology
9. Execute aerobic patterns and kickboxing combinations
10. Identify individual target heart rate
11. Understand rate of perceived exertion and "talk test"