PE 102 Combination Aerobics

This rhythmic aerobics class is designed to increase cardiovascular fitness and muscular endurance through a variety of exercise formats. Students participate in a variety of formats such as step aerobics, dance aerobics, circuit training, interval training and kickboxing aerobics. Repeatable up to 12 credits.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Maintain or increase one’s level of fitness
2. Identify benefits of aerobic, strength, core, agility, and flexibility training
3. Assess one’s level of fitness
4. Apply effective goal-setting methods
5. List factors influencing fitness
6. List major components of fitness
7. Identify basic fitness principles
8. Understand general exercise recommendations
9. Assess one’s level of intensity during exercise
10. Engage in a safe and effective exercise regime
11. Understand and experience the benefits of cross-training
12. Understand and experience the benefits of periodization
13. Identify the benefits of interval training
14. Execute basic step, kickboxing and dance aerobics combinations
15. Identify core muscles and their functions
16. Develop a personalized exercise plan
17. Understand the relation of nutrition to functioning