PE 101 Cardio Core Conditioning

Designed to improve daily functioning, this class integrates rhythmic cardiovascular and resistance exercises with core conditioning techniques. Steps, hand weights and elastic bands are utilized to maximize exercise benefits. This class format is suitable for students of various fitness levels. Repeatable up to 12 credits.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Achieve a higher level of fitness
2. Identify benefits of aerobic, strength, core, agility, and flexibility training
3. Assess one’s fitness level
4. Apply effective goal-setting methods
5. List factors influencing fitness
6. List major components of fitness
7. Identify basic fitness principles
8. Understand general exercise recommendations
9. Assess one’s intensity level during exercise
10. Engage in a safe and effective exercise regime
11. Develop a personalized exercise plan
12. Identify core muscles and their functions
13. Understand how to engage core muscles in exercises as well as daily tasks
14. Understand the relation of nutrition and hydration to functioning