Catalog Addendum 2024-25
The catalog addendum reflects modifications to course information, program information, and/or other catalog information that was updated after the catalog was first published online.
To view/print a PDF, please visit: LCC Catalog Addendum 24/25
Courses -
- ARH 221 - approved to meet AAOT Arts and Letter and AAOT Cultural Literacy (inadvertently left off)
- CS 246 - updated prerequisite: CS 296N is supposed to be added as a prereq/coreq
- BI 234 - updated prerequisite
- SOC 215 - inadvertently left out of catalog; now re-added
- APR 172 - reactivated
- NRS 224A / NRS 224B - updated outcomes
- NRS 112A - updated prerequisites
Programs -
- Accounting, 1-yr Certificate (updated to include MTH 095 as an accepted math course)
- CTE Educator Certificate of Completion (approved after initial catalog publication)
- Introduction to Manufacturing and Welding (Stick Welding), Certificate of Completion (approved after initial catalog publication)
- Introduction to Manufacturing and Welding (Wire Welding), Certificate of Completion (approved after initial catalog publication)
- Mobile Application Development Certificate of Completion (approved after initial catalog publication)
- Paraprofessional, Education Assistant and Community Educator, Certificate of Completion (approved after initial catalog publication)
- Construction Trades, General Apprenticeship, AAS (updated elective note to say: "Note: Any course(s), 100-level or higher, selected from Arts and Letters List, Social Science List, or Science/Math/Computer Science List OR from the the CTE courses Course Type by Prefix")
- Electrician Apprenticeship Technologies, AAS (updated elective note to say: "Note: Any course(s), 100-level or higher, selected from Arts and Letters List, Social Science List, or Science/Math/Computer Science List OR from the the CTE courses Course Type by Prefix")
- Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance Technology Apprenticeship, AAS (updated elective note to say: "Note: Any course(s), 100-level or higher, selected from Arts and Letters List, Social Science List, or Science/Math/Computer Science List OR from the the CTE courses Course Type by Prefix")
- Dental Assisting, 1-yr Certificate (updated co-op note to say: "DA 280: complete a minimum of 7 credits")
- Occupational Skills, Certificate of Completion (added “Any Co-op” to the list of accepted courses in the section of “20 credits of Co-op Coursework”)
Other Catalog Content -
Last updated: March 10, 2025