The purpose of this program is to provide education and internship to prepare students for entry-level employment in the human services field. Human service workers provide a wide range of emotional and practical support services aimed at addressing the needs of people facing a variety of challenges. Within the Associate of Applied Science (AAS) degree, there is a General Human Services Track for students seeking a broad range of experience and a Children/Families track designed for those who would like to focus specifically on working with this population. Embedded within the AAS degree is a Career Pathway Certificate in Addiction Studies which prepares students for state certification in addiction counseling through Mental Health and Addiction Certification Board (MHACBO). For information on the certification process visit the MHACBO website. Students enrolled in Human Services courses may continue their education and transfer to bachelor programs in related helping fields such as family and human services, psychology, or social work. Students interested in transfer options and/or state certification options should work closely with program advising staff to select appropriate courses to reach their education and career goals.
Estimated Cost: $ 17,190
Resident Tuition: $ 13,050
Technology Fee: $ 1,260
General Student Fees: $ 900
Online Course Fees: $ 80
Books / Course Materials: $ 1,900 (Some courses use Open Educational Resources (OER), which are free or low-cost materials.)
Costs provided are estimates only, and may differ depending on course type and/or modality. Learn more and view current tuition and fee information.
Program Learning Outcomes
Students who complete this program will be able to:
PLO 1 - Practice professional and ethical standards inherent in the human services field
PLO 2 - Utilize skills of attending behavior, active listening, effective questioning techniques that align with theoretical orientations in the helping fields, while working with both individuals and groups
PLO 3 - Exhibit competence in working with people from diverse backgrounds
PLO 4 - Conduct various assessments with regard to eligibility, service needs and problem resolution, commonly used in the human services field
PLO 5 - Develop a plan of action for clients using a strengths-based approach to link people with community resources
PLO 6 - Utilize technology and digital resources for educational and career purposes
PLO 7 - Communicate effectively with others, both verbally and in writing
PLO 8 - Describe current best practices in the field of human services and demonstrate the ability to implement these practices at the entry level
Program Requirements
All courses in a program require default grading (completed with a letter grade of C- or better, or Pass) unless specified otherwise below.
General Education
WR 121Z | Composition 1 | 4 |
WR 122Z | Composition 2 | 4 |
MTH 098 | Math Literacy | 5 |
| Complete one Science course - see list | 3-4 |
Complete one of the following:
Complete one of the following:
Social Science & Education Tracks
Complete 9 credits from one of the following tracks:
General Human Services Track
PSY 201Z | Introduction to Psychology I | 4 |
PSY 202Z | Introduction to Psychology II | 4 |
PSY 212 | Learning and Memory | 3 |
PSY 215 | Lifespan Developmental Psychology | 4 |
PSY 239 | Introduction to Abnormal Psychology | 3 |
SOC 204 | Introduction to Sociology | 4 |
SOC 205 | Social Stratification and Social Systems | 4 |
SOC 206 | Institutions and Social Change | 4 |
SOC 210 | Marriage, Family, and Intimate Relations | 4 |
SOC 211 | Social Deviance | 3 |
SOC 213 | Race and Ethnicity | 4 |
SOC 218 | Sociology of Gender | 4 |
| Any lower-division PSY or SOC transfer course | 3 |
Children and Families Track
Program Core Courses
HS 102 | Psychopharmacology | 4 |
HS 150 | Personal Effectiveness for Human Service Workers | 3 |
HS 155 | Interviewing Theory and Techniques | 3 |
HS 201 | Introduction to Human Services | 3 |
HS 224 | Group Counseling Skills | 3 |
HS 226 | Ethics and Law | 3 |
HS 231 | Advanced Interviewing and Counseling | 3 |
HS 232 | Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies | 3 |
HS 265 | Casework Interviewing | 3 |
HS 266 | Case Management | 3 |
HS 267 | Cultural Competence in Human Services | 3 |
Cooperative Education
Complete 18 credits in any combination from the following -
HS 280 | Cooperative Education: Human Services | 1-12 |
| Or | |
HS 280AS | Cooperative Education: Human Services - Addiction Studies | 1-12 |
Program Electives
Complete 8 credits from one of the following tracks:
General Human Services Track
HS 158 | Trauma: Theory to Practice | 2 |
HS 209 | Crisis Intervention and Prevention | 3 |
HS 220 | Prevention 1: Preventing Substance Abuse and Other Social Problems | 3 |
HS 221 | Co-occurring Disorders | 3 |
HS 222 | Best Practices in Human Services: Interventions | 4 |
HS 228 | HIV/AIDS and other Infectious Diseases: Risk Assessment and Intervention | 2 |
HS 229 | Grief and Loss Across Life Span | 3 |
CJA 200 | Introduction to Criminology | 4 |
CJA 201 | Juvenile Delinquency | 3 |
Children and Families Track
ECE 105 | Health and Safety Issues in Early Childhood Education | 2 |
ECE 230 | Family, School, Community Relations | 3 |
ECE 253 | Diversity Issues in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
ED 230 | Language and Literacy | 3 |
HDFS 228 | Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
HS 209 | Crisis Intervention and Prevention | 3 |
HS 220 | Prevention 1: Preventing Substance Abuse and Other Social Problems | 3 |
HS 221 | Co-occurring Disorders | 3 |
HS 229 | Grief and Loss Across Life Span | 3 |
1 – MTH 025 or higher math (MTH/STAT) is also accepted
2 – COMM 218Z is recommended if pursuing the Child and Family Track
3 – HS 150 satisfies the Human Relations requirement and cannot be substituted. It also serves as a prerequisite for HS 280/HS 280AS
4 – HS 155 is a prerequisite for HS 231, HS 232, HS 265, HS 266
5 – HS 226 is a prerequisite for HS 280/HS 280AS
6 – A total of 18 credits of Cooperative Education are required to complete this degree. Students may use either of the following toward meeting this requirement: HS 280 or HS 280AS. Under certain conditions, Cooperative Education coursework in Psychology, Sociology, and Service Learning may also be used to meet this requirement. Please speak with your Co-op Coordinator prior to enrolling.
- To view all important info for all programs (grading, total credits, honors, etc.), visit the Programs of Study page.
- This is the parent program for the Human Services: Addiction Studies, CPC.
- Cooperative Education: Students are required to attend a co-op orientation prior to beginning their field placement. Contact the Human Services Cooperative Education Coordinator.
Credit for Prior Learning
Students who hold a current CADC license from the Mental Health & Addiction Certification Board of Oregon should contact Academic Advising about receiving credit for prior learning towards Lane’ Human Services degree and Career Pathway Certificate, Addiction Studies.
Current CADC 1 or higher certificate holders may be eligible to receive up to 15 credits for the following courses: HS 102, HS 150, HS 155, HS 228 and 3 credits HS 280AS.
To earn the Addiction Studies CPC, students would need to additionally take HS 224, HS 226, and HS 266.
Sample Term Planner
Human Services Sample Term Plan
*Subject to change. Connect with an academic advisor to create an individualized academic planner.