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Academic Catalog

HS 232 Cognitive-Behavioral Strategies

This course will introduce students to the theory and methods of cognitive-behavioral approaches to counseling. These approaches rest upon the premise that psychological distress and maladaptive behavior is the result of faulty thinking. Cognitive-behavioral approaches are based on a psycho-educational model and focus on changing cognitions in order to change feelings and behavior.




HS 155

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and differentiate between three approaches to Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) including how behavior changes as a result of CBT interventions
2. Demonstrate an understanding of mood disorders, anxiety disorders, maladaptive thinking and other issues from a CBT perspective
3. Demonstrate CBT techniques
4. Demonstrate the structure of CBT interviews: first, second, and subsequent sessions
5. Demonstrate how to assess clients in identifying automatic thoughts and emotions
6. Demonstrate how to assess and evaluate cognitive distortions
7. Demonstrate how to modify belief systems
8. List effective programs of CBT that address the needs of special populations
9. Demonstrate the effective use of homework in CBT
10. Demonstrate an attitude of respect, non-judgment, interest, and optimism
11. Demonstrate a knowledge of sensitivity to culture, ethnicity, class, disability, and gender differences
12. The success of this class and the richness of our experience depend on the input and feedback of each person