HDFS 228 Young Children with Special Needs

The development, needs, and behavior of preschool aged children with special needs. General and practical strategies to help integrate children with special needs into childcare programs. An overview of inclusion, along with a focus on specific disabilities is covered, including autism spectrum disorder, speech and language, and attention deficit disorder.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Discuss the federal and state laws affecting young children with disabilities, and the early intervention system in Oregon

2. Explain the history, values, current research, and inclusive approach for early childhood programs

3. Distinguish the characteristics of major disabilities and how atypical development or delays may affect the six developmental domains of young children

4. Describe screening and assessment techniques used to identify children with possible special needs in early childhood

5. Identify accommodations and modifications to curriculum, teaching strategies, and learning environment when implementing inclusive early childhood programs

6. Explain family-centered practices and ways to form strong parent - teacher partnerships