MGMT 453 Strategic Management

Capstone course focusing on strategy formulation and decisional processes. Presents processes required to analyze, plan, and implement business strategy in a competitive market system. Emphasizes the development of skills for integrating complex data into a plan of action used to direct a firm. Applies concepts learned in previous management, marketing, project management, communications, finance, accounting, and economics courses.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Communicate effectively and professionally in business situations through physical or virtual presence, writing, speaking, listening, and electronic media
2. Demonstrate effective group participation by using team building skills, good work habits, time management, and self-discipline to facilitating collaborative behaviors in the accomplishment of group goals and objectives
3. Describe the impact external environmental factors have on business strategy and competitive advantage
4. Develop, implement, monitor, and assess business strategies to achieve and maintain competitive advantages in the marketplace
5. Synthesize concepts from business disciplines (i.e. Finance, Marketing, Accounting, HR, Project Management) to develop novel approaches to business problems