MGMT 432 Social Enterprise

This course provides students with an introduction to social innovators and entrepreneurs (creators of ventures to address societal needs), the ventures they create, and how these entities create social value. Students will address various components of this emerging field: problem identification, environment scanning, solution identification, concept development, venture creation, value assessment, and communication strategies. Students will explore examples of current social enterprises, leading thinkers in the field of social entrepreneurship, and core entrepreneurial theory focused on social enterprises.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Examine how different theories, definitions, and models of social innovation apply to complex social and ecological problems
2. Evaluate traditional and socially designed solutions from a variety of disciplinary perspectives with an emphasis on quantitative measurement
3. Implement design thinking, systems thinking, and stakeholder analysis while identifying innovative solutions
4. Grapple with the challenges of measuring social value and innovation and communicating value with constituents and stakeholders
5. Change existing entities and institutions or launch new ventures that disrupt stale paradigms and lead to more positive social impacts
6. Advocate for the inclusion of social innovation in mainstream business