Elementary Education, AAOT

This degree is dependent on students selecting and working with their transfer institution early in the program. Contact an academic advisor for help determining a degree plan.

This program outlines specific course requirements for students who plan to transfer to a four-year public university in Oregon and earn a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education. Students should work with an academic advisor to ensure they fulfill the requirements for this program and for their intended transfer institution. Students seeking alternative accepted pathways should consult with an academic advisor.

90 credits

Program Contacts

Students are strongly encouraged to work with an academic advisor to select courses and map a plan that matches career and transfer major goals


  • Complete a total of 90 credits of college-level coursework (24 credits must be completed at LCC).
  • General Education courses must be a minimum of 3 credits. Elective courses may be any number of credits.
  • Elementary Education Major requirements (ED and MTH 211-MTH 212-MTH 213) must be completed with a grade of C- or better. P/NP is not accepted. All other courses may be completed with a grade of C- or better, or Pass.
  • Note - Grade requirements may differ by transfer institution. Work with your academic advisor.
  • Maximum 16 credits P may be used toward degree. This limit does not include courses only offered P/NP.
  • Cumulative GPA must be at least 2.0 at the time the degree is awarded.


Estimated Cost: $ 16,710

  • Resident Tuition: $ 13,050
  • Technology Fees: $ 1,260
  • General Student Fees: $ 900
  • Online Course Fee: $ 0
  • Books / Materials: $1,500

Costs provided are estimates only, and may differ depending on course type and/or modality. Learn more and view current tuition and fee information.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete this program will be able to:

PLO 1 - Apply critical thinking to analyze social issues necessary to support the function of public education

PLO 2 - Describe culturally-responsive pedagogy and integration of social justice into a teaching philosophy

PLO 3 - Identify the ethics and responsibilities necessary to obtain a professional license in the teaching field and clarify career confirmation

Program Requirements

Core Transfer Map Requirements


WR 121ZComposition 1



MTH 211Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics 1


MTH 211 - See Footnote 1. 

Arts and Letters

Choose ONE of the following courses:
ART 115Core Studio: 2D Design


ART 131Core Studio: Drawing 1


Choose ONE of the following courses:
ENG 104ZIntroduction to Fiction


ENG 105ZIntroduction to Drama


ENG 106ZIntroduction to Poetry


Social Science

Choose ONE of the following courses:
HST 201History of the United States


HST 202History of the United States


HST 203History of the United States


Choose ONE of the following courses:
ANTH 103Cultural Anthropology


GEOG 201World Regional Geography


Natural Sciences

• Choose one Biology with lab course from the Science/Math/Computer Science List 

• Choose one Geology with lab course from the Science/Math/Computer Science List 

Cultural Literacy Requirement

Fulfilled by any of the following:

ANTH 103Cultural Anthropology


GEOG 201World Regional Geography


HST 201History of the United States


HST 202History of the United States


HST 203History of the United States


Core Transfer Map: See Footnote 2.

Additional General Education

WR 122ZComposition 2


COMM 111ZPublic Speaking



Complete one or more courses, totaling at least three credits from Health/Wellness/Fitness list

Arts and Letters

Complete one course from the Arts and Letters list

Science/Math/Computer Science

Complete one lab science course from the Science/Math/Computer Science list

Social Science

Complete one course each from American Government and Psychology: 

American Government
PS 201U.S. Government and Politics


PSY 201ZIntroduction to Psychology I


PSY 202ZIntroduction to Psychology II


Major Requirements

Must be completed with a grade of C- or better. Pass not accepted.

MTH 212Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics 2


MTH 213Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics 3



ED 100Introduction to Teaching



ED 216Foundations of Education



ED 233Adolescent Learning and Development


ED 258Multicultural Education


ED 269Inclusion and Special Needs


ED 280Co-op Ed: Education


MTH: See Footnote 3.

ED 280: complete a minimum of 3 credits


Any college-level courses that bring total credits to 90 credits, with the following limitations:

  • Up to 12 credits of Career Technical Education. See the list of Course Types by Prefix. Policies on accepting career-technical credits vary at four-year institutions in Oregon. Consult an academic advisor about taking these courses within the degree.
  • Up to 18 credits of Cooperative Education may be included as electives. Cooperative Education courses identified as Career Technical Education courses count toward the 12-credit maximum for Career Technical Education.
  • Up to 12 credits of Individual Music Lessons (MUP).
  • Maximum 12 credits of activity courses (PE, PEAT, PEO, D) may be included within the entire degree, with the exception of D 160D 251D 256, and D 260.
  • Transfer institution requirements. Consult Lane's Academic Advising department for a list of recommended coursework. Transfer institution requirements may change without notice.

Recommended electives by transfer institution:

  • Please connect with your desired transfer institution to determine any additional requirements and/or recommended electives (such as ECE, HDFS, ES, and Children's Lit) that can be completed at the community college.


1 – While MTH 211 fulfills the math requirement for Core Transfer Maps, it is also a major requirement. Thus a grade of C- or higher (P not accepted) is required

2 – To earn the CTM notation on a transcript, students must meet all the CTM requirements with a minimum of 30 credits. This notation is not automatically awarded. If you believe that you have completed the requirements for the Core Transfer Map, and would like the CTM notated on your transcript please send an email with your request to degreeevaluators@lanecc.edu

3 – MTH 211-MTH 212-MTH 213 series only starts in the fall. Work with an academic advisor to ensure you’re ready to start the series in fall


  • Students must complete all required courses to earn this degree. Equivalent courses of 3 credits or higher may be transferred in and used to meet core or major requirements. To earn a Core Transfer Map (CTM) transcript notation, students must complete required courses and have a minimum of 30 CTM credits.
  • College-level courses are numbered 100 or higher. Courses numbered 001-099 identify developmental courses (e.g. RD 090), with the exception of ENG 110, 116, 117; MTH 100, RD 115, WR 110, 120, and WR 115 (taken before summer 1999), which are also considered developmental.
  • Foundational Skills are open to demonstration of proficiency. For information on waiver testing or credit for prior learning, contact an academic advisor. Waiver testing is not the same as placement testing.
  • 200-level second language courses count toward the Arts and Letters requirement. American Sign Language (ASL) is considered a second language.
  • University second language admission requirements for transfer students graduating high school 1997 or later include one of the following:
    • Two terms of the same college-level second language with an average grade of C- or above
    • Two years of the same high school-level second language with an average grade of C- or above
    • Satisfactory performance on an approved second language assessment of proficiency
    • Demonstrated proficiency in American Sign Language meets second language admission requirements
  • Credit-by-Exam and Credit-by-Assessment may comprise no more than 25% of total degree credits.
  • Only the Academic Requirements Review Committee (ARRC) may waive a college-related instruction requirement. Petitions are available from Enrollment Services.
  • Repeatable courses may be used once to meet a Discipline Studies requirement. Any additional allowable repeats may be used to meet Elective requirements.
  • Some courses are included on more than one Discipline Studies list. These courses may be used only once to meet a specific Discipline Studies requirement. Please contact your academic advisor for details.
  • Lower-division college-level courses taken at Lane will not always meet the same requirements an upper-division college-level course with similar content does at a four-year transfer institution. In such cases, the course(s) in question will generally transfer as an elective. Please contact specific four-year schools for details.
  • General Information on in transferring credits in from a prior institution.
  • Courses numbered 197, 198, 199, 280, 297, 298, or 299 count as electives and do not meet Foundational Skills or Discipline Studies requirements. Courses numbered 199 and 299 are experimental and may later be reviewed and approved to meet Discipline Studies requirements.
  • Although the AAOT degree provides an excellent framework for many students pursuing a baccalaureate degree, it is not ideal for all students. Students should consult with an academic advisor.
  • HE 252 can be used in the Health/Wellness/Fitness category if taken in Summer 1997 or after. Prior to this, HE 252 would be considered an elective.