MUL 247 Multimedia Design Production 2

A practicum course giving students the opportunity to apply technical knowledge and skills learned in the first year to actual intermediate production situations with an emphasis in multimedia productions. Class members can volunteer for production positions based on their own career interests and experience. Introduces current topics such as media issues, professional production techniques, changing media technology, and job market information.




MUL 246FA 261, and MUL 212 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Use their skills and knowledge as positive contributions to team production efforts
2. Relate the concepts of production design to the communication needs being addressed by a production
3. Demonstrate an understanding of applying basic visual treatments appropriately to media productions
4. Participate as a production team member in meeting time deadlines and professional production values required by productions scheduled for public distribution
5. Practice specialized individual production skills which will meet media workforce standards
6. Discuss current media production technologies and issues