ART 296 Mural Painting Class

Students will learn hands-on about the execution of a mural, either indoor or outdoor, depending upon available client and space, by painting a mural with the instructor. Location will be determined by available space and client and agreed upon by both the college and any community partners involved.




ART 115 and ART 116 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Assess the mural job, assess the substrate, review design, think about problems both from a production and content standpoint
2. Determine production needs, ascertain and obtain all information and assets within timeline for deliverables
3. Communicate project plan with client via production and cost proposal
4. Discuss with team members and instructor and get feedback on process from all
5. Acquire all copy and images necessary, perform research on subject and check all content for verification, copyright information and citation as needed
6. Define production methodology and discuss with team and instructor. Defend ideas or incorporate other feedback as necessary
7. Assess public interface of mural and discuss in class. Understand responsibility of public are and relate to history of mural making
8. Get multi-cultural viewpoints on design and message
9. Assess impact on a diverse community of public area
10. Work with others and experts as needed to vet messages and get proper feedback before execution. *note: not a design class, but production people have a responsible to address any misgivings about the design and how it will effect a diverse population
11. Attempt multiple ideas to achieve best production of the project
12. Get feedback on ideas from teammates and assimilate idea into a cohesive production plan
13. Use computers and other resources to produce final product
14. Get feedback from instructor and team. Respond to feedback with improvements of techniques. Get feedback from client. Make amendments and improve quality until completed. Debrief with instructors and team. Get final feedback from client and public
15. Determine best techniques and medium for project at hand
16. Create communication piece that informs the production process and budget to the client. Show both verbal and non-verbal examples
17. Consider the viewing pubic of the local or regional area as well as greater world context
18. Develop communication piece for client with fully supported and vetted research and thoughtfulness for all aspects of the project
19. Get feedback from many to determine if there is the possibility of double meanings, misinterpretations or any unintended miscommunication on projects
20. Learn team building and communication skills in order to work with others towards common goals of a public mural
21. Work with instructor, clients, materials and acquired skills to get mastery of both content creation and production
22. Apply learned techniques to the larger mural through repetition and instruction. Practice problem-solving learned on new areas of the mural
23. Work within client budget, get quotes, look for money saving options, quote client, oversee production of job to stay with budget
24. Debrief with teammates, instructor, client and public. Reflect on mural painted and develop skills for applying learning in the future