ART 231 Drawing 2: Composition and Thematic Development

Emphasis on composition, aesthetics, style, and thematic development within the drawing medium. Explore expressive visual and conceptual concepts of modern and contemporary drawing theory. Students will participate in critiques, discussions and presentations related to the historical and contemporary context of drawing. May be repeated up to 8 credits.




ART 131 or instructor permission by portfolio

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Create drawing projects that utilize critical and creative thinking skills

2. Demonstrate proficient use of a variety of traditional and non-traditional drawing media, including but not limited to, charcoal, conte’, ink, gesso, aqueous media, pastel, and erasers

3. Demonstrate proficient use of 2D visual elements in drawing, including line, value, shape, composition, positive and negative space, depth, form, and mark-making

4. Explore and apply individual expressive, aesthetic and/or conceptual choices in drawing projects

5. Explore and develop conceptual drawing skills, thematic development and working with specific self-generated thematic ideas

6. Analyze drawings verbally, or in writing, related to specific drawing media, theory and vocabulary

7. Demonstrate specific elements of creative thinking, including Persistence, Risk-taking, Reflection and Exploration