Occupational Skills Training, Certificate of Completion

The purpose of this program is to create an individualized career training opportunity focused on learning at a job site. This program offers students the ability to earn college credits while providing them the opportunity to design a career path that accommodates their occupational goals, abilities, skills and interests. The individual career plan must incorporate work site (hands-on) learning and may also include related classroom instruction as necessary to allow the student to pursue a career path toward gainful employment. The OST Certificate is intended to serve as a beginning point for students to prepare for a job or to get a better job while opening the door to further education to expand their employment opportunities. Programs are to be developed based upon the assessed needs of individual students and are not to be pre-packaged programs of study.

36 credits

Program Contacts


Estimated Cost: $ 6,924

  • Resident Tuition: $ 5,220
  • Technology Fees: $ 504
  • General Student Fees: $ 
  • Books / Course Materials: $ 750 (Some courses use Open Educational Resources (OER), which are free or low-cost materials) 

Costs provided are estimates only, and may differ depending on course type and/or modality. Learn more and view current tuition and fee information.

Program Learning Outcomes

Students who complete this program will be able to:

PLO 1 - Complete occupation-specific classes and work site education/training

PLO 2 - Formulate questions that can be addressed with data and collect, organize and display relevant data to answer them

PLO 3 - Gain knowledge and skills to prepare for employment in a chosen occupation

PLO 4 - Improve communication, human relations, and critical thinking and problem-solving abilities

PLO 5 - Interpret the concepts of a problem-solving task and translate them into mathematics

PLO 6 - Learn and enhance vocabulary and communication skills relevant to their individualized program and career plan

PLO 7 - Learn to research labor market trends and employment opportunities relevant to their career plan

PLO 8 - Improve awareness of individual communication and work style, and improve the ability to apply specific skills relevant to the students current Career Plan

Admission Information

Each student will need to fill out a Career Pathways application form and Student Plan for admissions into the Occupational Skills Program. Capacity is limited. For information, visit the Career Pathways Department.

Each student's plan should include the following:

- Occupational Goal
- Labor Market Review
- Student Assessment
- Program of Study describing skills and knowledge needed to enter employment

Program Requirements

Program Core Courses

Must be completed with a grade of C- or better. P/NP not accepted.

--20 credits of co-op coursework from the following:
        - OST 280
        - GWE 180 (up to 12 credits)
        - Any Co-op Seminar from the following: BT 206, COOP 206, CS 206, DA 206, MA 206, PTA 206, HS 150

--16 credits of any course approved by the Career Pathways office as meeting the needs of the student


  • Ongoing career coaching is required as part of this program.
  • Most training goals can be met, provided they meet the following criteria: 1) There is a current labor market need for the job being sought, and 2) there is an appropriate training site available in the community. The program is open-entry/open-exit (Students can start at any time in the term) to maximize educational opportunities.
  • OST 280's requirement of 20 credits are an exception to the 18-credit cooperative education limit in other Lane programs, per state requirement.