General Education Course Equivalencies to UO
This list is comprised of courses that transfer to meet the University of Oregon's Areas of Inquiry (general education) requirements. As UO manages how courses transfer to their institution, they may update transfer lists at any time. Please consult UO's transfer equivalency table for the most up-to-date equivalencies. We will update this list regularly. Last update: August 3, 2022
UO Transfer Admissions Requirements and Deadlines
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Last updated August 1, 2022
Arts and Letters
Transfers as Art History
ARH 200 | History of Design Arts | 3 |
ARH 203 | Survey of American Indian Art and Architecture: North and Central America | 4 |
ARH 204 | History of Western Art 1 | 3 |
ARH 205 | History of Western Art 2 | 3 |
ARH 206 | History of Western Art 3 | 3 |
ARH 207 | History of Indian Art | 3 |
ARH 208 | History of Chinese Art | 3 |
ARH 209 | History of Japanese Art | 3 |
ARH 211 | Early Modern Art: 1850-1910 | 3 |
ARH 212 | Twentieth-Century Art | 3 |
ARH 214 | Arts of the United States | 3 |
ARH 217 | History of Middle Eastern and Islamic Art | 3 |
ARH 218 | History of Photography:1700-1910 | 3 |
ARH 219 | History of Photography: 1910-1950 | 3 |
ARH 220 | History of Photography: 1950-Present | 3 |
ART 111 | Introduction to Visual Arts | 3 |
Transfers as Cinema Studies
CINE 265 | Film History 1-The Silent Era to Early Sound | 4 |
CINE 266 | Film History 2-The Sound Era through the 1960s | 4 |
CINE 267 | Film History 3-1960s-the present | 4 |
FA 255 | Understanding Movies: American Cinema | 3 |
FA 264 | Women Make Movies | 4 |
FA 270C | Film Genres: Comedy | 4 |
FA 270S | Film Genres: Horror | 4 |
FA 270N | Film Genres: Noir | 4 |
FA 276 | Gender, Race, and Class in U.S. Cinema | 4 |
Transfers as Speech
Transfers as Native American Studies
Transfers as Dance
Transfers as English
ENG 100 | Children's Literature | 4 |
ENG 104 | Introduction to Literature: Fiction | 4 |
ENG 105 | Introduction to Literature: Drama | 4 |
ENG 106 | Introduction to Literature: Poetry | 4 |
ENG 107 | Survey of World Literature | 4 |
ENG 109 | Survey of World Literature | 4 |
ENG 151 | Black American Literature | 4 |
ENG 194 | Literature of Comedy | 4 |
ENG 201 | Shakespeare | 4 |
ENG 203 | Shakespeare | 4 |
ENG 204 | Survey of British Literature | 4 |
ENG 205 | Survey of British Literature | 4 |
ENG 215 | Latino/a Literature | 4 |
ENG 217 | Reading, Writing and Digital Culture | 4 |
ENG 222 | Literature and Gender | 4 |
ENG 232 | Native American Literature, Myth and Folklore | 4 |
ENG 240 | Nature Literature | 4 |
ENG 243 | Native American Autobiography | 4 |
ENG 244 | Asian American Literature | 4 |
ENG 253 | Survey of American Literature | 4 |
ENG 254 | Survey of American Literature | 4 |
ENG 257 | The American Working Class in Fiction and Non-Fiction | 4 |
ENG 260 | Introduction to Women Writers | 4 |
ENG 261 | Science Fiction | 4 |
Transfers as Folklore
ENG 250 | Introduction to Folklore and Mythology | 4 |
Transfers as French
FR 201 | Second-Year French | 4 |
FR 202 | Second-Year French | 4 |
FR 203 | Second-Year French | 4 |
FR 288 | Study Abroad: French Language and Culture in Normandy | 6 |
Note: UO considers FR 203 and FR 288 as repeats.
Transfers as Humanities
HUM 100 | Humanities Through the Arts | 4 |
Transfers as Music
MUS 101 | Music Fundamentals | 3 |
MUS 103 | Songwriting Techniques and Analysis 1 | 3 |
MUS 201 | Exploring Music: Introduction to Music History | 3 |
MUS 202 | Exploring Music: Introduction to Music History | 3 |
MUS 203 | Exploring Music: Introduction to Music History | 3 |
MUS 260 | History of Hip-Hop and Rap Music | 3 |
MUS 264 | Roots of Rock (Roots-1963) | 4 |
MUS 265 | Golden Age of Rock & Roll (1964-1974) | 4 |
MUS 266 | Rockin' the New Millennium (1974-2006) | 4 |
MUS 268 | History of Electronic Music | 3 |
Transfers as Jazz Studies
MUS 205 | Introduction to Jazz History | 3 |
Transfers as Philosophy
Transfers as Spanish
Transfers as Theater Arts
TA 272 | Introduction to Theatre | 4 |
Social Science
Transfers as Anthropology
Transfers as Business
BA 101 | Introduction to Business | 4 |
Transfers as Economics
ECON 200 | Introduction to Economics | 3 |
ECON 201 | Introduction to Microeconomics | 4 |
ECON 202 | Introduction to Macroeconomics | 4 |
ECON 204 | Introduction to International Economics | 4 |
ECON 260 | Introduction to Environmental and Natural Resource Economics | 4 |
Transfers as Educational Studies
ECE 253 | Diversity Issues in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
ED 100 | Introduction to Education | 3 |
ED 258 | Multicultural Education | 3 |
ED 269 | Inclusion and Special Needs | 3 |
HDFS 226 | Child Development | 3 |
HDFS 227 | Children Under Stress | 3 |
HDFS 228 | Young Children with Special Needs | 3 |
Transfers as Ethnics Studies
ES 101 | Historical Racial and Ethnic Issues | 4 |
ES 102 | Contemporary Racial and Ethnic Issues | 4 |
ES 224 | Black Male Studies: Lies, Literature, and Legacy | 4 |
ES 244 | Native American Leadership 1: Building Leadership Through Indigenous Oratory | 4 |
ES 251 | Introduction to African-American Studies | 4 |
ES 254 | Introduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies | 4 |
ES 256 | Introduction to Native American Studies | 4 |
SLD 112 | Chicano/Latino Leadership 2: Cultural Heroes | 4 |
SLD 113 | Chicano/Latino Leadership 3: Affirmative & Resistance | 4 |
SLD 121 | African American Leadership: History, Philosophy, & Practice | 4 |
Transfers as Geography
Transfers as History
HST 101 | Western Civilization: Ancient Mediterranean | 4 |
HST 102 | Western Civilization: Making of Modern Europe | 4 |
HST 103 | Western Civilization: Europe and the World | 4 |
HST 104 | World History | 4 |
HST 105 | World History | 4 |
HST 106 | World History | 4 |
HST 201 | History of the United States | 4 |
HST 202 | History of the United States | 4 |
HST 203 | History of the United States | 4 |
HST 266 | US Women's History | 4 |
Transfers as Political Science
PS 101 | Modern World Governments | 4 |
PS 201 | U.S. Government and Politics | 4 |
PS 202 | U.S. Government and Politics | 3 |
PS 203 | State and Local Government and Politics | 3 |
PS 205 | Introduction to International Relations | 4 |
PS 206 | Introduction to Political Thought | 4 |
PS 225 | Political Ideology | 4 |
PS 275 | Legal Processes Through Civil Rights and Liberties | 4 |
Transfers as Psychology
Transfers as Sociology
SLD 101 | Native Circles: It's Your Life | 3 |
SLD 103 | Post-Racial America: Challenges & Opportunities | 4 |
SLD 111 | Chicano/Latino Leadership 1: Quien Soy? Quienes | 4 |
SOC 108A | Selected Topics in Women's Studies, Women's Bodies, Women's Selves | 3 |
SOC 204 | Introduction to Sociology | 4 |
SOC 205 | Social Stratification and Social Systems | 4 |
SOC 206 | Institutions and Social Change | 4 |
SOC 207 | Women and Work | 3 |
SOC 208 | Sport and Society | 4 |
SOC 210 | Marriage, Family, and Intimate Relations | 4 |
SOC 211 | Social Deviance | 3 |
SOC 213 | Race and Ethnicity | 4 |
SOC 215 | Social Class | 4 |
SOC 218 | Sociology of Gender | 4 |
Transfers as Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
HE 212 | Women's Health | 3 |
WS 101 | Introduction to Women's Studies | 4 |
Transfers as Anthropology
Transfers as Astronomy
ASTR 121 | Astronomy of the Solar System | 4 |
ASTR 122 | Stellar Astronomy | 4 |
ASTR 123 | Cosmology and the Large-Scale Structure of the Universe | 4 |
Transfers as Biology
BI 101 | Cell Systems | 4 |
BI 102 | Organismal Systems | 4 |
BI 103 | Ecosystems | 4 |
BI 112 | Cell Biology for Health Occupations | 4 |
BI 221 | Principles of Biology | 4 |
BI 222 | Principles of Biology | 4 |
BI 223A | Principles of Zoology | 4 |
BI 223B | Principles of Botany | 4 |
BI 231 | Human Anatomy and Physiology 1 | 4 |
BI 232 | Human Anatomy and Physiology 2 | 4 |
BI 233 | Human Anatomy and Physiology 3 | 4 |
BI 234 | Introductory Microbiology | 4 |
Transfers as Chemistry
CH 104 | Introduction to General Chemistry | 5 |
CH 106 | Introduction to Organic and Biological Chemistry | 5 |
CH 112 | Chemistry for Health Occupations | 4 |
CH 114 | Introduction to Forensic Chemistry | 4 |
CH 150 | Preparatory Chemistry | 3 |
CH 170 | Introduction to Environmental Chemistry | 4 |
CH 221 | General Chemistry 1 | 4 |
CH 222 | General Chemistry 2 | 4 |
CH 223 | General Chemistry 3 | 4 |
CH 241 | Organic Chemistry | 4 |
CH 242 | Organic Chemistry | 4 |
CH 243 | Organic Chemistry | 4 |
Transfers as Computer Science
CS 133JS | Beg. Programming: JavaScript | 4 |
| | |
CS 133C | Beginning Programming: C++ | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 133N | Beginning Programming: C# | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 133P | Beginning Programming: Python | 4 |
| | |
CS 233C | Intermediate Programming: C++ | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 233N | Intermediate Programming C# | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 233P | Intermediate Programming: Python | 4 |
| | |
CS 233JS | Intermediate Programming: JavaScript | 4 |
CS 233S | Python for Systems Administrators | 4 |
CS 160 | Orientation to Computer Science | 4 |
| | |
CS 161C | Computer Science 1 | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 161N | Computer Science 1 | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 161P | Computer Science 1 | 4 |
| | |
CS 162C | Computer Science 2 | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 162N | Computer Science 2 | 4 |
| Or | |
CS 162P | Computer Science 2 | 4 |
| | |
CS 234N | Advanced Programming: C# | 4 |
CS 260 | Data Structures 1 | 4 |
Computer Science Note: Students who complete more than one CS 161 or CS 162 programming language course should be aware that transfer institutions may count multiple 161 or 162 courses as repeats, and may not accept them in transfer. Students wishing to complete multiple programming courses should first take a CS 161/162 series and then enroll in CS 133/233 course series for any subsequent programming languages.
Transfers as Dance
D 256 | Anatomy of the Moving Body | 4 |
Transfers as Earth Sciences
G 101 | Earth's Dynamic Interior | 4 |
G 102 | Earth's Dynamic Surface | 4 |
G 103 | Evolving Earth | 4 |
G 146 | Rocks and Minerals | 4 |
G 147 | National Parks Geology | 4 |
G 148 | Geologic Hazards | 4 |
G 201 | Earth Materials and Plate Tectonics | 4 |
G 202 | Earth's Surface Systems | 4 |
G 203 | Evolution of the Earth | 4 |
Transfers as General Sciences
ENSC 181 | Terrestrial Environment | 4 |
ENSC 182 | Atmospheric Environment and Climate Change | 4 |
ENSC 183 | Aquatic Environment | 4 |
GS 101 | General Science (Nature of the Northwest) | 4 |
GS 106 | Earth, Sea, Sky | 4 |
GS 108 | Oceanography | 4 |
GS 109 | Meteorology | 5 |
GS 142 | Earth Science: Earth Revealed | 4 |
GS 201 | Scientific Skepticism - Someone is Wrong on the Internet | 4 |
HORT 120 | Gardening and Sustainable Food Systems | 4 |
SOIL 205 | Introduction to Soil Science | 4 |
Transfers as Geography
Transfers as Human Physiology
Transfers as Mathematics
MTH 105Z | Math in Society | 4 |
MTH 106 | Math in Society 2 | 4 |
MTH 107 | Math in Society 3 | 4 |
MTH 211 | Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics 1 | 4 |
MTH 212 | Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics 2 | 4 |
MTH 213 | Fundamentals of Elementary Mathematics 3 | 4 |
MTH 231 | Discrete Mathematics 1 | 4 |
MTH 232 | Discrete Mathematics 2 | 4 |
MTH 241 | Elementary Calculus 1 | 4 |
MTH 242 | Elementary Calculus 2 | 4 |
STAT 243Z | Elementary Statistics 1 | 4 |
MTH 251 | Calculus 1 (Differential Calculus) | 5 |
MTH 252 | Calculus 2 (Integral Calculus) | 5 |
MTH 253 | Calculus 3 (Infinite Series and Sequences) | 5 |
MTH 265 | Statistics for Scientists and Engineers | 4 |
Math Note: Students may receive credit for MTH 241 or MTH 251 but not both. Students may receive credit for MTH 242 or MTH 252 but not both.
Transfers as Physics
PH 101 | Fundamentals of Physics | 4 |
PH 102 | Fundamentals of Physics | 4 |
PH 103 | Fundamentals of Physics | 4 |
PH 201 | General Physics | 5 |
PH 202 | General Physics | 5 |
PH 203 | General Physics | 5 |
PH 211 | General Physics with Calculus | 5 |
PH 212 | General Physics with Calculus | 5 |
PH 213 | General Physics with Calculus | 5 |
Transfers as Psychology
Cultural Literacy
Global Perspectives
Arts and Letters
Transfers as Art History
ARH 207 | History of Indian Art | 3 |
ARH 208 | History of Chinese Art | 3 |
ARH 209 | History of Japanese Art | 3 |
ARH 217 | History of Middle Eastern and Islamic Art | 3 |
Transfers as Cinema Studies
Transfers as Speech
COMM 115 | Introduction to Intercultural Communication | 4 |
Transfers as English
ENG 107 | Survey of World Literature | 4 |
ENG 109 | Survey of World Literature | 4 |
ENG 260 | Introduction to Women Writers | 4 |
Social Science
Transfers as Anthropology
Transfers as Geography
GEOG 142 | Introduction to Human Geography | 4 |
GEOG 201 | World Regional Geography | 4 |
HE 255 | Global Health and Sustainability | 4 |
Transfers as History
Transfers as Political Science
PS 101 | Modern World Governments | 4 |
Transfers as Sociology
SLD 111 | Chicano/Latino Leadership 1: Quien Soy? Quienes | 4 |
SOC 108A | Selected Topics in Women's Studies, Women's Bodies, Women's Selves | 3 |
US: Difference, Inequality, Agency
Arts and Letters
Transfers as Art History
ARH 203 | Survey of American Indian Art and Architecture: North and Central America | 4 |
Transfers as Cinema Studies
FA 255 | Understanding Movies: American Cinema | 3 |
FA 276 | Gender, Race, and Class in U.S. Cinema | 4 |
Transfers as Speech
COMM 220 | Communication, Gender and Culture | 4 |
Transfers as English
ENG 215 | Latino/a Literature | 4 |
ENG 222 | Literature and Gender | 4 |
ENG 232 | Native American Literature, Myth and Folklore | 4 |
ENG 243 | Native American Autobiography | 4 |
ENG 244 | Asian American Literature | 4 |
Transfers as Folklore
ENG 250 | Introduction to Folklore and Mythology | 4 |
Transfers as Music
MUS 260 | History of Hip-Hop and Rap Music | 3 |
MUS 264 | Roots of Rock (Roots-1963) | 4 |
MUS 265 | Golden Age of Rock & Roll (1964-1974) | 4 |
MUS 266 | Rockin' the New Millennium (1974-2006) | 4 |
Transfers as Jazz Studies
MUS 205 | Introduction to Jazz History | 3 |
Transfers as Spanish
Social Science
Transfers as Anthropology
Transfers as Educational Studies
ECE 253 | Diversity Issues in Early Childhood Education | 3 |
ED 258 | Multicultural Education | 3 |
Transfers as Ethnics Studies
ES 101 | Historical Racial and Ethnic Issues | 4 |
ES 102 | Contemporary Racial and Ethnic Issues | 4 |
ES 254 | Introduction to Chicanx/Latinx Studies | 4 |
ES 251 | Introduction to African-American Studies | 4 |
ES 224 | Black Male Studies: Lies, Literature, and Legacy | 4 |
ES 256 | Introduction to Native American Studies | 4 |
ES 244 | Native American Leadership 1: Building Leadership Through Indigenous Oratory | 4 |
SLD 112 | Chicano/Latino Leadership 2: Cultural Heroes | 4 |
SLD 113 | Chicano/Latino Leadership 3: Affirmative & Resistance | 4 |
SLD 121 | African American Leadership: History, Philosophy, & Practice | 4 |
Transfers as History
Transfers as Sociology
SLD 101 | Native Circles: It's Your Life | 3 |
SLD 103 | Post-Racial America: Challenges & Opportunities | 4 |
SOC 204 | Introduction to Sociology | 4 |
SOC 205 | Social Stratification and Social Systems | 4 |
SOC 207 | Women and Work | 3 |
SOC 213 | Race and Ethnicity | 4 |
SOC 218 | Sociology of Gender | 4 |
Transfers as Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
WS 101 | Introduction to Women's Studies | 4 |
HE 212 | Women's Health | 3 |