G 101 Earth's Dynamic Interior

Introduces the geology of Earth's structure, formation of rocks, how plate interactions cause earthquakes and create volcanoes and mountains. Labs include problem solving, minerals, rocks, volcanology, seismology, resources, and simple geologic maps and structures. Take G 101 and 102 in any order. Lab included.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe and identify common rocks and rock-forming minerals, classifying minerals by using their physical properties
2. Contrast how igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks form and compare their compositions and textures
3. Describe how magma chemistry influences the types of igneous rocks that form and the eruptive style and types of volcanoes found in a region
4. Use seismic wave records to interpret details of earthquakes and the Earth’s interior
5. Describe plate tectonics and plate boundaries
6. Identify and explain the rocks, deformation, earthquakes, volcanism, hazards, topography, stresses, folds, and faults associated with plate boundaries, plate movement and accretion and shown in geologic maps and cross sections
7. Classify simple and complex types of mountain belts based on how they formed