ENG 244 Asian American Literature

The course will familiarize students with literature from a variety of genres written by Asian American authors. The course may also engage students with materials written by American writers of Pacific Islander ancestry. Students will consider such literature in its aesthetic, historical, cultural, political, and social contexts. The class will also examine recurring themes regarding the development of attitudes, values, and identities as expressed within the body of literature.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify recurring themes in Asian American literature specifically and American literature generally
2. Identify the experiences and history that inform Asian American literature
3. Reference a framework for thinking about race, identity, culture, society, and literature
4. Identify significant texts and authors of Asian American literature
5. Critically analyze literary texts through a practice of close reading
6. Demonstrate ability to use interpretive frameworks to investigate contextual meanings of literature