ENG 203 Shakespeare

One scholar suggests that Shakespeare's works "remain the outward limit of human achievement"; they fascinate us because we "cannot catch up to them." Nevertheless, we will have fun running after them. This survey explores the works of Shakespeare, covering 3-5 plays and at least one sonnet each term. Instructors might divide the plays by theme, genre, or chronology. ENG 203 may include Hamlet and/or King Lear.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Read and interpret works of Shakespeare at both a literal and figurative level
2. Use critical and interpretive frameworks to investigate contextual meanings of literature
3. Identify and discuss themes, issues, and language conventions in a variety of plays
4. Examine cultural values reflected in the works of Shakespeare as written and produced
5. Use textual evidence to support interpretive claims about Shakespeare's works
6. Contribute to collaborative learning through formal and informal writing and discussion forums and/or creative projects