ENG 222 Literature and Gender

This course will examine representations and/or investigations of gender in literature. While some literature chosen for the course may thematically focus readers on the gender roles assigned to people at different points in time in relation to a given culture, other literature may examine the concept of gender itself. Students may consider relevant concepts from feminist theory and gender studies such as the difference between gender identity, gender expression, sex, and sexuality, as well as gender construction, performativity, and intersectionality.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Read, comprehend, and respond to a diverse range of texts about gender and/or gender roles
2. Use close reading and interpretive frameworks to examine relationships between texts and their social, historical, cultural and literary contexts
3. Explore how literature reflects and shapes perceptions of the concepts of gender, gender roles, gender identity and gender expression as they intersect with race, class, sexual orientation and nationality
4. Demonstrate awareness of the power and nuance of language and (when relevant) image: distinguish between denotative and connotative meanings in texts
5. Use detailed textual evidence to support interpretive claims about texts
6. Contribute to collaborative learning through formal and informal writing, discussions, and/or creative projects