XESC 05165 ESL Combined Skills Level 5

This course focuses on continued development of intermediate English language skills and on the rights and responsibilities of community membership. Students will participate in moderate-length conversations with increasing ease and fluency, listen to detailed presentations on work and community topics, read introductory academic texts, popular literary texts and everyday work and community documents. Students will write a range of simple and functional and narrative texts for work, community, family, academic, and creative purposes and use digital tools and devices to advance study and workplace skills.


5 hours

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, and with support as needed, students will be able use English to:
1. Communicate Information: With support, deliver oral presentations and compose written informational texts about events and a variety of relevant topics by developing the topic with details
2. Explain Ideas: Describe a sequence of events or steps in a process, with a clear sequential or chronological structure. and develop an informational topic with facts and details, use transitional words and phrases to connect events, ideas, and opinions, and provide a conclusion
3. Construct Claims: Construct a claim or argument about a topic, introduce the topic, provide sufficient reasons or facts to support the claim, and provide a concluding statement
4. Summarize information: Identify important details and evidence from texts and oral presentations and summarize a short text or part of a longer text 5. Understand Central Ideas and Arguments: Explain the reasons an author or a speaker gives to support a claim or argument and identify reasons an author or a speaker gives to support the main point
6. Practice Cultural Norms: Adapt language choices and style according to purpose, task, and audience with developing ease in various social and academic contexts and show developing control of style and tone in spoken and written texts
7 Use Vocabulary: Use context, questioning, and a developing knowledge of English in order to determine the meaning and use of general academic and content-specific words and phrases and frequently occurring idioms in spoken and written texts about a variety of topics, experiences, or events
8. Use Grammar: Use simple phrases and clauses to produce, simple, compound, and complex sentences
9. Interact: Participate in conversations, discussions, and written exchanges about a variety of relevant topics, texts, and issues. Demonstrating appropriate turn-taking and question response
10. Learn and Present: Carry out research projects to answer a question. This includes finding a central idea or theme in oral presentations and spoken and written texts, retelling key details, answering questions, explaining the theme and summarizing texts using learning strategies 11. Use Technology: With support, utilize digital tools to learn English, gather information, and communicate for school, life and work 12. Demonstrate Study and Workplace Skills: Build on the ideas of others, express ideas, ask and answer relevant questions, add relevant information and evidence, restate some of the key ideas expressed, follow rules for discussion, and ask questions to gain information or clarify understanding