XESC 05163 ESL Combined Skills Level 3

This course focuses on developing high beginning English language skills. At the end of the course, students should be able to use English to have brief conversations on familiar topics, read short texts with clear organization, tables, graphs, maps and diagrams, write short paragraphs on familiar and high interest topics and use digital tools and devices to advance study and workplace skills.


5 hours

Course Learning Outcomes

At the end of this course, and with support as needed, students will be able to:
1. Communicate Information: Write and/or orally present short narratives or information, including simple introductory/concluding statements and supported claims/facts, about familiar texts, topics, experiences, or events
2. Explain an idea: Identify the main argument and at least one reason an author or a speaker gives to support the argument
3. Practice Cultural Norms: Distinguish between informal and formal language use; adapt language choices to task and audience with emerging control in various social and academic contexts
4. Use Vocabulary: Identify and apply frequently occurring words, some general academic and content-specific words, phrases, and expressions in spoken and written texts about familiar topics, experiences, or events
5. Use Grammar: Produce meaningful and intelligible simple and compound sentences
6. Interact: Engage in conversations and written exchanges about familiar topics and texts, demonstrating appropriate turn-taking and question response
7. Learn and Present: Gather information from provided print and digital sources and interactions with others, record key information in simple notes, and summarize data and information
8. Use Technology: Utilize digital tools to learn English, gather information, and communicate for school, life and work
9. Demonstrate Study and Workplace Skills: Employ teamwork and show respect for others. Keep materials organized and practice a positive attitude to complete assignments independently and with classmates in a timely manner