MUS 118 Music Technology MIDI/Audio 1

Hands-on instruction in current applications of music technology in a comprehensive MIDI/audio studio. Students will learn to use various music production tools, MIDI sequencing, patch editing, digital audio recording, MIDI networking, digital effects devices and plug-ins, and both digital and analog mixing systems. Each student is assigned to one of the 20 MIDI/audio studios, where they will complete creative lab assignments. Students will work in the studios a minimum of 3 hours per week outside of class.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Create work that shows basic knowledge of MIDI and its use in an electronic music studio
2. Create work that engages basic concepts and knowledge of the physics of sound
3. Use a microphone and basic signal routing
4. Use a variety of DAWS and MIDI hardware on creative projects at a basic level