MUS 114 Sight-reading and Ear Training (First Term)

Course develops the skills necessary to read melodies at sight and to notate melodies one hears. It includes study of rhythm and meter, tonality and modality (solfeggio) scales, triads and seventh chords, cadences, and conducting patterns. Designed to be taken with MUS 111 and MUS 127 concurrently.




Theory placement test required


MUS 111 and MUS 127 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate singing skills with accuracy for notes, scales, rhythms, and melodies at a basic level
2. Demonstrate singing skills with accuracy for simple rhythmic and melodic duets at a basic level
3. Notate rhythms, melodies, and simple harmonic progressions with accuracy at a basic level
4. Conduct patterns to facilitate learning foundational rhythms and melodies at a basic level
5. Identify, sing, and dictate intervals and chords at a basic level
6. Identify and dictate simple diatonic progressions with accuracy at a basic level