MTH 256 Applied Differential Equations

An introductory course in differential equations and their applications. The course covers methods of solving ordinary differential equations including first order linear and nonlinear equations, second order linear equations, and higher order equations. Students are also introduced to the method of Laplace transforms. Applications to science and engineering are emphasized.




MTH 254 with a C- or better within the past five years

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to: 

1. Apply elementary methods of solution to solve first order linear differential equations, selected first order nonlinear differential equations, and higher order linear differential equations with constant coefficients, both homogeneous and non-homogeneous cases 

2. Demonstrate specialized methods of solving certain types of differential equations, including the method of Laplace transforms 

3. Model problems from science and engineering using the language of differential equations and investigate the applicability of the mathematical solutions to these problems 

4. Use analytical and numerical procedures from differential equations to solve problems in science and engineering 

5. Express in written and oral form the process of modeling used in applications of differential equations and the relevance of solutions so obtained to the original problems