MTH 253 Calculus: Sequences and Series

This course explores real-valued sequences and series, including power and Taylor series. Topics include convergence and divergence tests and applications. These topics will be explored graphically, numerically, and symbolically. This course emphasizes abstraction, problem-solving, reasoning, communication, connections with other disciplines, and the appropriate use of technology.




MTH 252 with a C- or better within the past five years

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Recognize and define sequences in a variety of forms and describe their properties, including the concepts of convergence and divergence, boundedness, and monotonicity
2. Recognize and define series in terms of a sequence of partial sums and describe their properties, including convergence and divergence
3. Recognize series as harmonic, geometric, telescoping, alternating, or p-series, and demonstrate whether they are absolutely convergent, conditionally convergent, or divergent, and find their sum if applicable
4. Choose and apply the divergence, integral, comparison, limit comparison, alternating series, and ratio tests to determine the convergence or divergence of a series
5. Determine the radius and interval of convergence of power series, and use Taylor series to represent, differentiate, and integrate functions
6. Use techniques and properties of Taylor polynomials to approximate functions and analyze error
7. Use series to solve basic differential equations