DRF 236 Machine Elements

A study of components used in machine design including materials, weldments, fasteners, keys, linkages, gears, roller chain, and V-belt drives.




DRF 121

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate familiarity with materials:
a. Metal
b. Thermoplastic
c. Structural steel
2. Select appropriate weld types for given connections and apply weld symbols correctly
3. Demonstrate knowledge of standards for threaded and nonthreaded fasteners
4. Use tables and handbooks to find design data:
5. Find dimensions and other data for
a. fasteners
6. Find dimensions and other data for
7. Keys and keyways
8. Find V-belt and roller chain design data
9.Translate design concepts into virtual and physical models, building neural links between mental concepts and physical reality and developing visualization skills
10. Demonstrate understanding of cam and linkage kinematics
11. Demonstrate knowledge of gear geometry and gear train types
12- Demonstrate comfort with quantitative thinking:
a. Gears
b. V-belt and roller chain drives
13. Demonstrate basic understanding of mechanisms
14. Demonstrate and apply knowledge of OSHA requirements for guarding when faced with a guard design problem, research ways similar problems have been solved by others