DRF 207 Drafting: Strength of Materials

Stresses and strains that occur within bodies; material properties including elasticity; shape properties including centroids, moments of inertia, and section modulus; flexural stress in beams; and buckling in columns.




DRF 205 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand basic concepts of internal stresses
2. Solve for stress, force, or area when other 2 are known
3. Understand basic concepts of material properties
4. Use strain equations to solve for strain, deformation, length, stress
5. Calculate expansion due to temperature change
6. Be familiar with basic concepts of metallurgy
7. Use modulus of elasticity to solve for variety of unknowns
8. Calculate centroids for planar shapes and centers of gravity for three-dimensional shapes
9. Use moment of inertia and section modulus to analyze flexural stress in simple beams
10. Select appropriate beam members for a given load
11. Calculate deflection of a given beam under a given load
12. Select column members adequate to resist buckling