CH 241 Organic Chemistry

First course of organic chemistry sequence for science and health science majors, with a green chemistry emphasis. Introduces organic functional groups, emphasizing hydrocarbons, with bonding theory, nomenclature, and reaction mechanisms.




CH 222 with a C- or better


CH 247

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Apply knowledge regarding bonding and functional group properties to predict the physical and chemical properties of a given organic molecule (e.g., relative boiling points, solubility, polarity, reactivity)
2. Predict the product, mechanism, and the associated kinetic and thermodynamic considerations that are most likely to arise from a given combination of reactants
3. Propose a succinct synthetic pathway from a given starting material to a desired product
4. Apply the Principles of Green Chemistry to a chemical reaction, process, or product