CH 201 Chemistry for Engineering Majors I

First course of a two-term sequence designed for engineering majors not needing the three term general chemistry sequence. Introduces measurement, atoms, stoichiometry, gases, thermochemistry, electronic structure, and bonding. Lecture and laboratory; lab emphasizes green chemistry.




MTH 095 or above with a C- or better OR equivalent placement via the math placement process

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Gather, interpret, communicate, and analyze data and error to demonstrate understanding of basic chemical concepts and reactions
2. Apply unit analysis problem-solving techniques or mathematical formulas, individually and in groups, with provided data or data students collect in lab
3. Use and describe real-life situations as examples to demonstrate and explain key chemical concepts
4. Use the vocabulary of chemistry to explain, discuss, and solve problems about systems of measurement, properties of atoms, molecules and ions, atomic structure and periodicity, stoichiometry, bonding, behavior and properties of solutions, gases, liquids and solids
5. Understand and explain the evolution of the atom from Dalton to quantum mechanics
6. Demonstrate chemical lab techniques