CA 163A Beginning Baking and Pastry

Students are introduced to the fundamentals of baking and pastry production, including food safety and sanitation and culinary math in relation to recipe comprehension, conversion and costing from the point of view of bakers percentages. Focus is on classical baking and pastry techniques.




Admissions into the program

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify, explain, and perform basic commercial bakery techniques and production methods for a variety of baked goods
2. Explain and perform proper application of various bakery formulas and appropriate mixing techniques, including the sequence of adding ingredients
3. Identify, describe, and use a variety of bakery equipment, hand tools, and baking ware safely and with correct sanitation techniques
4. Identify, describe, and perform the proper use and handling of ingredients used in various baking processes and products
5. Demonstrate proper application and usage of weights and measurements as applied to a variety of dry and non-dry ingredients
6. Identify and describe the characteristics, functions, and interactions of major baking ingredients