BT 272 Tax concepts and Preparation

Introduces individual and business federal taxation. Students will study tax concepts, planning, rules, procedures, and the implication of taxes on financial decisions. Students will become familiar with the preparation of basic tax forms and schedules.




BT 206 and BT 165 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand and competently articulate key terms and concepts
2. Research and find information pertinent to tax preparation and decision making
3. Properly calculate adjusted gross income, tax liabilities, depreciation amounts, capital gains and effective tax rates
4. Analyze and determine whether to use an itemized or standard deductions
5. Prepare individuals taxes including individual forms, schedule c (sole proprietor) and accompanying schedule for capital gains and depreciation amounts
6. Perform analysis to determine the after-tax consequences of various investment alternatives
7. Prepare simple corporate taxes on form 1120 with associated schedules
8. Identify common strategies for reducing an individuals effective tax rate
9. Discern between strategies of tax avoidance and tax evasion
10.Discuss the tax implications of starting and dissolving a business entity
11. Understand the implication of special allocations of various tax items due to specific partnership agreements
12. Account for a partner’s basis in a partnership
13. Be familiar with some of the common business credits
14. Be familiar with a start up companies’ tax elections and accounting for start up costs
15. Prepare basic form 1065 and schedules K-1 for partnerships