APR 192 Grounding and Bonding

This course provides a comprehensive coverage of the techniques used in the grounding and bonding of systems, buildings, equipment, enclosures and electrical service connections. The principles of ground faults, the grounding of circuits that are over 1000 volts and lightning protection are also covered in this class. A special emphasis is placed on quality workmanship, common practices and the rules, regulations and requirements of proper grounding and bonding techniques as defined by the "National Electric Code". Trade hazards and appropriate safety equipment and techniques are also explored.




ET 129 OR APR 190 

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon Successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Explain fundamental principles of grounding and bonding and determine when a system should or should not be grounded. This will be assessed through written tests
2. Recognize common grounding and bonding applications and apply the methods used within the scope of those applications. This will be assessed through written tests and lab assignment demonstration
3. Make "workmanship like" grounding and bonding connections with various types of equipment. This will be assessed through lab assignment demonstration
4. Find specific references in the NEC codebook for a variety of requirements involving grounding and bonding applications. This will be assessed through written tests and lab assignment demonstration
5. Identify hazards unique to the electrical and demonstrate the proper use of personal protective equipment. This will be assessed through written tests and lab assignment demonstration