Repeated Courses
A student can have the grade points removed from the cumulative grade point average if the first grade was B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D- or F and the class has been repeated at Lane. A course can be retaken only once for this purpose. If a course is retaken more than once, only the oldest course credits will be removed from the grade point average under this policy. The repeated course credits must all be taken in one term at Lane, be taken for a letter grade, and must be equal to or greater than the number of credits completed in the original course.
Upon completion of a course, a student can exercise this option by filling out a Request to Absolve Repeated Courses from the Cumulative Grade Point Average form. The form is available in Enrollment Services. The Student Records Office will mark the student's record, noting the repeated course, and remove the credits and grade points of the original course from the cumulative grade point average. The original course and grade will remain on the student's transcript. This cannot be reversed once it is applied to the student's record.
Note: Many institutions will not the recognize Petition to Absolve process when calculating a GPA for admission purposes.