XESL 05161 ESL Grammar & Literacy Level 1

The course is designed to develop skills and strategies in literacy and study skills, with a focus on writing more fluently and with more confidence, improved spelling, grammar usage and structure, and vocabulary development.


5 hours

Course Learning Outcomes

Communicate: Write basic information about familiar readings, topics, and experiences and express feelings and opinions. Use Vocabulary: Identify e and apply common words, phrases, and expressions correctly in English when speaking, reading or writing about familiar topics, experiences, or events. Use Grammar: Produce simple sentences with increasing accuracy about familiar topics, experiences, or events. Apply Strategies: Use strategies to produce correctly spelled words, use correct word order and basic sentence structure. Interact: Ask and respond to basic questions about familiar topics and texts in writing. Learn and Present: Collect information from interactions, and from print and digital readings. Label and report the important information in writing. Practice Cultural Norms: Recognize and use formal and informal language in familiar contexts appropriately. Demonstrate Study and Workplace Skills: Employ teamwork and show respect for others. Keep materials organized and practice a positive attitude to complete assignments independently and with classmates in a timely manner.