WR 097 Introduction to Essay Writing

This course introduces students to essay writing and prepares students for WR115. Students will demonstrate control and understanding of the writing process: generate and organize ideas, write drafts, revise, and edit paragraphs and multi-paragraph essays. Students will learn to recognize and correct grammatical errors in their writing. Course activities may be enhanced through conferences, workshops, and/or online modules.




EL 117

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Use pre-writing skills to plan focused, well-organized paragraphs and multi-paragraph essays
2. Write unified, coherent, and adequately developed paragraphs with clear topic sentences
3. Write well-developed essays that include a thesis statement and unified, coherent, and adequately developed paragraphs with clear topic sentences
4. Recognize and use a variety of options for introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs
5. Demonstrate control of a variety of organizational strategies at the essay level (such as narrative, process, opinion/persuasive, summary, comparison/contrast, definition, description, cause/effect, and exemplification)
6. Use appropriate transitions between sentences and between paragraphs
7. Critique constructively and revise his/her own work and the work of others