SPAN 202 Spanish, Second-Year

This is the second course of a three-term sequence (SPAN 201-202-SPAN 203) designed to provide one full year of college level transfer courses at the intermediate (second year) level. SPAN 202 continues the development of and expands upon the five language skills practiced in SPAN 201 (see course description) through emphasis on the development of listening, speaking, reading, writing, and intercultural communication skills at the intermediate level. SPAN 201-SPAN 202-SPAN 203 are designed as a sequence, therefore they must be taken sequentially and may not be taken concurrently.




SPAN 201, with a grade of C-/P or better or placement by testing

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Participate in conversations and state viewpoints on familiar topics using sentences and series of sentences (Interpersonal communication - Intermediate-mid)
2. Make a presentation on a variety of familiar and researched topics using connected sentences (Presentational speaking - intermediate-mid)
3. Write on a wide variety of familiar topics using connected sentences (Presentational writing -Intermediate-Mid)
4. Understand the main idea in messages and presentations on a variety of topics and follow the main idea of overheard conversations (Interpretive Listening-Intermediate-mid)
5. Understand the main idea of short straight forward informational and fictional texts (Interpretive reading- Intermediate-mid)
6. With respect to the cultures of Spanish-speakers; Identify common patterns in cultural production and practices; compare familiar cultural beliefs and values; interact at a functional level in familiar cultural contexts (Intercultural knowledge and skills, Intermediate)