PH 213 General Physics with Calculus

PH 213 is the third term of the calculus-based General Physics sequence, PH 211-212-213. The sequence provides an introduction to methods, concepts, representations, problem-solving and problem-posing of physics that is required for engineering and physics majors, and also meets any existing General Physics requirements for students majoring in mathematics, computer science, health, and other science majors. This course focuses on Classical Electricity & Magnetism in terms of conceptual understanding, calculation, problem solving, and use of visual and mathematical representation involving differential and integral calculus. The class includes labs, demonstrations, discussion, and individual and group activities.




PH 212 with a C- or better

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Choose from and apply as needed a variety of key frameworks focused on the variety of specific frameworks, physical systems and phenomena connected to the rich subject of electricity and magnetism, the central subject of the course
2. Communicate and reflect with significant conceptual precision about electricity and magnetism, using applicable calculus concepts and creating multiple, appropriate visual and mathematical representations which include significant integral and differential calculus, and vector fields
3. Make appropriate decisions, converse and write with significant conceptual precision about measurement, the use of applicable scientific equipment to conduct experimental investigation of the electro-magnetic interaction, and the design of experiments and evaluation of results of experiments, and draw conclusions from experiment and calculation about the course subject matter
4. Formulate questions to move their thinking forward concerning the course subject matter and problem-solving
5. Approach problem-solving in a manner appropriate to Physics and appropriate to the view of a problem as a situation in which the path to the solution is initially uncertain
6. Understand that Physics concerns matter and motion in its most fundamental forms and is an open-ended scientific process as well as a body of knowledge
7. Appreciate that the insights provided by Classical Electricity & Magnetism are valuable and useful and created new ontology (fields as a new form of matter), even though Physics has developed beyond Classical Electricity & Magnetism