MGMT 360 Financial Management

This course concerns how companies make financial investment decisions. A large company may have hundreds of thousands of shareholders each of which has a different amount of wealth, tolerance for risk and time horizon in which to invest. Small businesses must also understand how financial decisions affect their continuing operations. How should a financial manager decide in what to invest, and how to pay for those investments? In this course, you will learn how to value financial assets and how to value projects with differing cash flows and timelines of completion. You will also learn how risk affects these valuations and apply techniques to manage such risk. You will learn some of the advantages and disadvantages of financing investments with borrowed money and understand the three main sources of financing for businesses.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand the differences in perspectives of accounting and finance and how finance impacts and is impacted by other functional areas of business
2. Apply the concept of time value of money by calculating present and future values
3. Calculate the value of stocks and bonds
4. Evaluate the attractiveness of a project using net present value
5. Measure and analyze the risk of a portfolio of investments
6. Apply techniques to minimize risk while maximizing return
7. Understand how the cost of capital and tax policy change the attractiveness of debt and equity financing
8. Understand working capital management and how it is applied to finance