LIB 127 Research Skills and Information Literacy

Students will develop critical thinking skills needed to locate, evaluate and cite information relevant to specific research needs. The course develops research skills and confidence that contribute to success in other college courses and life experiences.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Appreciate the nature of scholarly conversation, as well as the role and organization of information in contemporary society and in the academic library
2. Demonstrate an understanding of research as a recursive process, requiring creativity and persistence
3. Efficiently search for and locate information online using the free Web
4. Evaluate websites and other materials as to their relevance, currency, authority, purpose, and point of view
5. Select and develop a suitable topic for research, and formulate a list of relevant keywords using websites, Library databases and other research tools
6. Search for and locate relevant books at the Lane Community College Library and at other libraries
7. Search for and locate relevant articles from newspapers, popular magazines, and scholarly journals
8. Articulate the reasons why we cite our sources, and construct a bibliography of relevant and high-quality materials, formatted in a standard relevant citation style