G 201 Earth Materials and Plate Tectonics

G 201-202-203—for science majors. Global plate tectonic influences on Earth’s internal structure, mountains, deformation, magnetism, earthquakes, volcanism, minerals and rocks. Labs explore rocks and minerals, geologic maps, structures, and resources. Take G 201 and 202 in any order. Lab included.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Identify and classify common rock-forming minerals and their physical properties
2. Explain behavior and characteristics of plate boundaries, and describe the evidence for plate tectonics
3. Classify igneous rocks and their minerals, and use plate tectonics to explain and describe the formation of igneous rocks, volcanoes, and their hazards
4. Classify sedimentary rocks and their minerals and use depositional processes to explain and describe the formation of sedimentary rocks and their structures
5. Classify metamorphic rocks, and use plate tectonics, temperature, and pressure to explain and describe the formation of metamorphic rocks, and their minerals, textures, and structures
6. Classify geologic structures, folds, and faults in geologic maps, and cross sections, and use plate tectonics to explain and describe their formation
7. Use seismic waves to examine earthquakes and analyze Earth’s interior and use plate tectonics to explain and describe the origin of earthquakes and related hazards
8. Use plate tectonics to explain and describe the origin of simple and complex mountain ranges and their types and characteristics