FA 250 Concepts of Visual Literacy

Introduction to elementary concepts of visual literacy, including theories of representation and design. Includes the role of composition, color, time, motion, lighting, and sound in the design of moving images for film, television, and computer imaging. Students learn to incorporate these design elements into visual projects and learn how to critically evaluate visually mediated messages.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Distinguish between the form and content of visually mediated messages
2. Discuss theories of representation in relationship to the design and evaluation of visually mediated messages
3. Define elements of two-dimensional composition and discuss their relevance to the design of visually mediated messages
4. Describe the manipulation of time through editing and discuss its relevance to the design of visually mediated messages
5. Define types of motion and discuss their relevance to the design of visually mediated messages
6. Discuss elements of lighting and their relevance to the design of visually mediated messages
7. Define types of sound and discuss their relevance to the design of visually mediated messages