ENG 106HZ Introduction to Poetry-Honors

The study of poetry invites us to delve into the biggest questions about life and culture alongside the seemingly smallest issues of words and sounds. English 106Z provides opportunities for the appreciation of poetry, including deeper awareness of craft and insight into how reading poetry can lead to self-enrichment. Students read a variety of types of poetry and poetic forms, from diverse perspectives and eras, and develop their skills in discussion, literary analysis, and critical thinking. This honors class delves deeper into course topics and requires a high level of student motivation; the pace may be faster than non-honors courses. See lanecc.edu/honors for information. Students cannot receive credit for both ENG 106Z and ENG 106HZ. This course is part of the Oregon Common Course Numbering System.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Articulate how culture and context shape literary texts and how literature contributes to understandings of ourselves and the world

2. Identify how literary devices and various formal elements contribute meaning to a text

3. Build interpretations based on relevant evidence