ECE 160 Exploring Early Childhood Curriculum

Students will gain understanding in planning daily and weekly program activities for young children. There is an emphasis on planning developmentally appropriate, play-based experiences based on observation of children and knowledge of early childhood learning strategies. Students will study types and benefits of play as the basis of curriculum planning.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Discuss how major theorists and early childhood approaches confirm the importance of the environment and the value of play-based learning
2. Explain the foundation of an emotionally supportive and equitable learning environment for young children
3. Discuss the philosophy and practice of a constructivist approach to emergent curriculum planning based on observation
4. Describe multiple ways in which the dramatic play center, manipulative center, sensory center, block and building center, and the literacy center enhances children’s development
5. Identify multiple ways teachers facilitate learning in the dramatic play center, manipulative center, sensory center, block and building center, and the literacy center