DH 139 Special Needs Patient and Dental Emergencies

Knowledge and skill development in assessment, diagnosis, planning and treatment of dental patients with developmental disabilities, complex medical problems and significant physical limitations. Development of critical thinking and problem solving skills in the care of patients with special needs, prevention of emergencies and selection of treatment.




Admission to the Dental Hygiene program

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Recognize physical, mental, medical, social, and special needs of people who are medically compromised
2. Understand the demographics, etiology, limitations, and diseases associated with medically compromised, developmental disabilities and significant physical limitation patients
3. Adapt procedures and treatment plans to meet the needs of dental hygiene special needs patients
4. Become familiar with medications, oral manifestations and emergencies in the management of special needs conditions
5. Research and develop effective strategies for providing dental hygiene care to the medically compromised, developmental disabled and special needs patient