CST 118C Building Construction C

The three CST118 courses provide technical information relevant to today’s building practices. Through hands-on projects, field visits, and lectures students become familiar with the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in today’s construction environment. Work required to plan, design, and construct building structures is explored. A variety of elements and topics related to the materials and methods used in the construction of buildings, including planning the site, foundation, framing, and interior and exterior finishing. This course provides an orientation to electrical, mechanical, and plumbing systems. CST 118 A/B/C consists of a total of 15 credits (264 hours). Majors should enroll in 5 credits per term for three terms to satisfactorily complete the CST 118 sequence (A/B/C).




College writing placement test or prior college

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate knowledge of current construction practices
2. Demonstrate knowledge of fundamental carpentry skills
3. Demonstrate knowledge/skills in material selection
4. Describe duties of the sub-contractor
5. Describe the economic importance of the shelter industry
6. Demonstrate preparedness for job opportunities
7. Apply appropriate industry safety practices