CS 161N Computer Science 1

This is the first in a sequence of 2 courses that teaches students Computer Science concepts and skills underlying programming. The course introduces students to fundamental programming concepts and programming language C#. Which includes basic syntax, semantics, algorithms, and program design. Further, it is an introduction to Object-oriented programming, software design, development and testing.



Cross Listed Courses

CS 133N


Complete one of the following: CIS 125A, CIS 125G, CS 160, MTH 095, MTH 111Z, MTH 211, MTH 231, MTH 241, MTH 251 (or by placement)

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Describe introductory programming concepts orally and in writing
2. Develop, test and debug algorithms involving the three structured programming constructs
3. Design, implement, test and debug a C# program using: variables and expressions, selection, repetition, methods and strings
4. Evaluate personal work and that of others. Incorporate feedback