CJA 114 Introduction to Forensic Chemistry

An introduction to chemistry in a forensic context. Topics may include measurement, density, soil chemistry, chromatography, the chemistry of fire, DNA, and organic and inorganic data collection and analysis. Relationships between scientific disciplines are explored. Lecture and laboratory.



Cross Listed Courses

CH 114 Introduction to Forensic Chemistry


MTH 020 or above with a C- or better OR equivalent placement via the math placement process

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Understand and apply basic chemical concepts used in forensics such as density, measurement, chromatography, and spectrophotometry to identify a substance or compare a known to an unknown forensic sample

2. Use scientific thought and inquiry to critically analyze data in published forensic case studies, journal or periodical articles or collected in lab related to the CSI effect or other forensic concepts

3. Understand Locard’s exchange principle, services of a typical crime lab, collection of evidence techniques, elements, compounds, states of matter, organic and inorganic analysis techniques, blood typing and characterization, DNA structure and analysis
4. Demonstrate chemical and biological lab techniques used in forensics for density, measurement, chromatography, organic analysis, inorganic analysis, serology, DNA and arson evidence such as glass, soil, organic and inorganic substances, fuels, blood and DNA evidence
5. Engage with others and work safely in a lab, use proper lab techniques
6. Use the vocabulary of chemistry to explain, discuss and solve problems about the history of forensic science, systems of measurement, physical properties of evidence, organic analysis, inorganic analysis, serology, DNA, arson and explosives