CH 170 Introduction to Environmental Chemistry

This course is designed to introduce non-science majors to the chemistry of the environment. Basic chemistry principles will be introduced and applied to the chemistry of the atmosphere, water, and soil. The impacts of production and pollution will be evaluated in terms of human and environmental health from a scientific and social perspective.




MTH 052 or above with a C- or better OR equivalent placement via the math placement process

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Verbalize, write about, and use models to demonstrate knowledge of chemical principles related to fundamental processes in the terrestrial environment
2. Use chemical properties to explain environmental systems and phenomenon
3. Apply scientific analysis to an environmental problem and be able to critique solutions using principles of green chemistry and sustainability
4. Demonstrate appropriate use of materials, methods, and safety procedures in both the laboratory and the field
5. Collect and interpret laboratory, field, and other data related to the chemistry of the environment
6. Consider the disparate effects of pollution from an environmental justice perspective