APR 273 General Sheet Metal Fabrication

Designed for Oregon state-recognized apprentices employed in the sheet metal trade. This course is the study of the sheet metal trade as it is applied to general-needs metal work. The work studied is that outside of the traditional HVAC and architectural scope as studied in previous terms with a broader base of skills to be learned, such as custom decorative and artistic finished products.



Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Use practical layout skills to include faster techniques and shop processes
2. Work directly with customer/owner on creative custom designs
3. Understand the uses and availability of more modern, computer-driven tools for layout and design
4. Demonstrate the importance of proper measuring and foresight on the physical job site
5. Perform more effectively by using organizational and efficiency skills both in the shop and field
6. Demonstrate the advantages of using different seaming/welding processes to achieve certain outcomes or effects
7. Use proper installation techniques and applications for projects which are more visible
8. Demonstrate effective communication skills in dealing with owners and contractors in areas of design, scheduling, coordination, and consulting
9. Understand the procedures of bidding work in this field